If you have a "green card" (S-etukortti), you can vote for me*!

S Group logo

I want to advance an aggressively green, science-based agenda. And I want Finland to feel like home not only for the indigenous but for everyone committed to Scandinavian values. Look at my values at the candidate finder website.

Given that close to 20% of the capital region's population has a foreign background, foreigners are - with about 5% - massively under-represented among the candidates in the upcoming cooperative elections (osuuskauppavaalit). Unsurprisingly, you cannot find any foreigners among the candidates of the "True Finns" (Perussuomalaiset). Still, other lists were not excelling in their complete or near absence of foreign candidates, such as the Center party (Keskusta). Due to this lack of inclusion and diversity, I signed up as a candidate in the capital region's subsection of the S Group (HOK-Elanto).

The purpose of the "osuuskauppavaalit" is to elect a 60-member representative body (and deputy members) of the representative body of the HOK-Elanto cooperative for the next four years. HOK-Elanto is the section of the S Group that operates in the capital region. The S Group is the biggest Finnish retailing cooperative. Unlike its most significant competitor (Kesko), it is not listed on the Finnish stock market. But the goal of the S Group and Kesko is the same: making their owners rich. Just that the owners of the S Group are the customers, while the owners of Kesko are the shareholders. In 2020, there were more than 2 million S Group customer-owners in Finland, but only about 60000 Kesko shareholders.